Agent \(\textit{001}\)


1. Introduction

Agent is an open source tool for fast genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using the agent file format from Compression for population genetic data through finite-state entropy. This tool can convert files to the agent format and perform univariate GWAS. This page contains changes for each version of agent, source code, build instructions, binary releases and other downloads including example data files, the license (BSD 2-clause) and the agent manual. If you make use of this tool, please cite W. Chen and L. T. Elliott. Compression for population genetic data through finite-state entropy. 2021. biorxiv preprint 10.1101/2021.02.17.431713v2.


All binaries are available at the git repository.

3. Changes

  • June 1st 2021. Initial release of Agent 001. See downloads section for binary, source, and example data files.
  • July 26th 2021. Updated Zstandard version from 1.4.4 to 1.5.0.

4. Building

See downloads section for the Agent 001 alpha source release. All sources including the latest development version are available at the git repository. Agent is currently built using the GNU make build system and depends on the presence of the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL). Those familiar with the GNU make build system can consult the Makefile, and the path to the Intel MKL libraries can be given using the make flag --eval=MKLROOT:=.

5. Manual


                Agent 001 build d63d4b1564, June 2021.


                Copyright 2021, Winfield Chen and Lloyd T. Elliott.